“You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
More information on investment opportunity

More information on investment opportunity

Seeking investors. We are looking to sell these two concessions. Below is a brief summary of investment opportunity. Interested parties can email bennett@kipuberico.com for more information.

Is there gold?

  • Adjacent to our properties by about 20km you find the region of Madre de Dios which is the center of Peru’s illegal gold mining trade.
  • Peru exported 5.63 million troy ounces in 2021 (worth $7.8 billion USD), up by over 26 percent from the previous year. It is estimated 20% of that is illegally mined gold. Most of that illegally mining gold comes from the neighboring region 30km from where our properties are located.
  • The Cusco region where our properties has monitored and prevented illegal mining. It is proceeding the route of attracting formal investment create jobs and new industry for the region
  • Here is a google satellite phone I found myself of an example a mere 30km from our properties.
  • High probability the territories to the south are also rich in gold deposits

How do mining / property rights work in Peru?

  • In Peru there are both aboveground and underground rights to property.
  • The underground rights allow owners to extract resources
  • These concessions are fully titled and ready for development
  • Above ground rights are not necessary to begin exploration/ extraction.
  • Peruvian law states any entity is allowed an easement to land for productive/ economic use

Ownership rights

We encourage any potential buyer to contact or check the government agencies of INGEMMET – Peru’s Institute of Geology, Mining and Metalurgy to confirm authenticity of our claims. Third party verification can also be employed pending any agreement.

Mapping out the situation in greater detail. Big picture of mining in the region

  • Concessions in this area of the Cusco region have only recently been auctioned or claimed. 
  • This region is still figuring out how to attract investment for mining.
  • The area boxed out in the map has only recently been granted concessions for investment
  • Please note on this map locations of other existing medium and large-scale mines outside the area already operating