Seeking investors. We are looking to sell these two concessions. Below is a brief summary of investment opportunity. Interested parties can email for more information.
Is there gold?
- Adjacent to our properties by about 20km you find the region of Madre de Dios which is the center of Peru’s illegal gold mining trade.
- Peru exported 5.63 million troy ounces in 2021 (worth $7.8 billion USD), up by over 26 percent from the previous year. It is estimated 20% of that is illegally mined gold. Most of that illegally mining gold comes from the neighboring region 30km from where our properties are located.
- The Cusco region where our properties has monitored and prevented illegal mining. It is proceeding the route of attracting formal investment create jobs and new industry for the region
- Here is a google satellite phone I found myself of an example a mere 30km from our properties.
- High probability the territories to the south are also rich in gold deposits
How do mining / property rights work in Peru?
- In Peru there are both aboveground and underground rights to property.
- The underground rights allow owners to extract resources
- These concessions are fully titled and ready for development
- Above ground rights are not necessary to begin exploration/ extraction.
- Peruvian law states any entity is allowed an easement to land for productive/ economic use
Ownership rights
Mapping out the situation in greater detail. Big picture of mining in the region
- Concessions in this area of the Cusco region have only recently been auctioned or claimed.
- This region is still figuring out how to attract investment for mining.
- The area boxed out in the map has only recently been granted concessions for investment
- Please note on this map locations of other existing medium and large-scale mines outside the area already operating